Christmas Wreaths and Kale Chips...
4:32 PMWeird combination, I know but what's better than making a craft while also eating a very delicious and healthy snack? I can only think of one thing better than that.
I made this adorably cute Christmas wreath for a total of 3 dollars! If you're too lazy or too busy to make it yourself head on over to my Etsy page and you can order them on there. They make for great Christmas gifts and you can customize them with different colors.
You can only resist these if you haven't ever tried them! Many say kale is bitter and gross. I am telling you they are wrong! Kale is a wondrous cabbage that is delicious raw or cooked. Here I am, another blogger telling you how healthy and delicious something is and you're probably just rolling your eyes in laughter saying she can't be right a good tasting snack that's healthy. I'm right your wrong. But try it for yourself!
My husband and I took a bunch of kale chips. Don't pay attention to the other recipes that say to rip them up into small chunks because after they are baked they crumple pretty easy.
Set your oven to 350 degrees.
Remove the stems of the kale leaves. I only went about 3/4 of the way up the stems.
Take your kale in a bowl and mix with about 2 tablespoons olive oil.
I put a teaspoon of cayenne in my mix, I would suggest about 1/4 teaspoon for the delicate in mouth.
Then throw in some garlic salt about 1/2 teaspoon.
Now some onion powder 1/2 teaspoon as well.
Mix all these ingredients together and rub well into your kale chips.
Lay your chips on a baking sheet and cook for 10 minutes flip them and bake another 10 minutes if they aren't flaky after the 20 minutes you can throw them in for another 5 minutes.
They seriously taste delicious. I ate my whole bag the next day during work. My husband didn't so much like the spicy version so I made him ranch flavored chips. All I did was throw in premade ranch packet about 2 tablespoons and olive oil.
There you have it super easy super tasty kale chips.